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Kenya’s Interior Cabinet Secretary Kindiki Suspends Worldcoin Data Collection

Interior CS Kindiki Suspends Worldcoin Collection of Data (News Central TV)

In order to address all security concerns, the government has halted Worldcoin’s ongoing collection of personal data from Kenyans. Interior CS Kithure Kindiki said the suspension was necessary because financial transactions involving such a large number of people needed to be sufficiently assured of their public safety and integrity in advance when he made the announcement on Wednesday morning.

In part of the statement, it is stated that “the government has suspended immediately the activities of World Coin and any other entity that may be similarly engaging the people of Kenya until relevant public agencies certify the absence of any risks to the general public whatsoever.”

The ongoing activities of a group going by the name of World Coin, which is involved in registering citizens by gathering eyeball and iris data, worry the government.

A day prior, thousands of Kenyans flocked to the Kenyatta International Convention Centre to register for the global AI cryptocurrency.

Warning About The Suspension

Prof. Kindiki warned that those who disobey the suspension will face the proper consequences.

The CS further stated that orb systems, which check a person’s iris to see if they are human before collecting data, may compromise the security of the information.

To determine the legitimacy and legality of the aforementioned activities, pertinent security, financial services, and data protection agencies have started inquiries and investigations.

Police officers were compelled to halt the Worldcoin registration process at the KICC on Tuesday due to security reasons.

A token worth Sh7,000 is given to new members after they register but in terms of coins deposited in their Worldcoin wallet.

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