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Kogi Governor’s First 100 Days Feature Nuhu Ribadu Meeting

Kogi State Governor Ahmed Usman Ododo recently stirred conversations with his list of achievements during his first 100 days in office.

Among these achievements was his meeting with the National Security Adviser (NSA) Mallam Nuhu Ribadu.

The Governor also listed his inaugural courtesy visit to the Ife-Olukotun Community in Yagba East Local Government Area as yet another significant achievement.

Further showcasing his “active role”, Ododo listed his participation in the meeting of the Progressive Governors Forum in Abuja as another noteworthy achievement.

Other achievements in governance as listed by Ododo include:

“Joint Meeting of the Governors of Kogi, Ondo, Taraba with Hon. Minister of Agriculture & Food Security, Senator Abubakar Kyari; announcement of the first set of appointments on the first day of office; Home Coming of His Excellency to a Grand Reception in Okene; Screening/Swearing-in of New Commissioners and Senior Aides to the Governor; Launch of the Metropolitan Quick Response to Sustain the tempo of fight against threats of insecurity in Lokoja Metropolis; Distribution of 105 Operational Vehicles and 42 Motorcycles to Vigilante Services for Community Policing.”

Under the agriculture sector, Governor Ododo’s list of achievements included “developing strategies to store farm produce across the state,” although specific details regarding these strategies were not provided.

He also listed the state’s commitment to become the single largest off-taker of agricultural produce from farmers in the state as part of his administration’s efforts.

The Governor shared these achievements on X in the form of infographics with the caption:

“We will continue to do more for the good people of Kogi State God Bless Kogi State .

“God Bless the Fedral [sic] Republic of Nigeria.”

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