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Labour Rejects New 60,000 Minimum Wage, Stands on N494,000

Electricity Tariff Hike: Nigeria Labour Begins Protest Today

The Organised Labour has once again, dismissed the Nigerian Government‘s new minimum wage proposal during the Tripartite Committee meeting in Abuja on Tuesday, May 28.

Reportedly, the government increased its original offer from N57,000 to N60,000, an addition of N3,000.

Following the increase, the Organised Labour, which includes the Trade Union Congress (TUC) and the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), lowered their demand from N497,000 by N3,000, leaving the amount at N494,000.

The government’s proposed minimum wage increase was rejected by labour leaders, leading them to walk out in protest once more.

“This is simply a case of if they go higher, we will go lower. They need to propose something reasonable for us to propose something lower too. There is no two-way about it.

“Also, we have a way of meeting as members of the Labour before each committee meeting. This will help us to take a uniform stand by the time we get to the meeting front.

“So as long as the government is ready to present something reasonable, we will meet them in the middle,” a member of the Organised Labour said.

Details shortly…

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