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Lamido Sanusi to be Reinstated as Emir of Kano


Sanusi Lamido Sanusi II is to be reinstated as the Emir of Kano and he is expected to arrive in Kano on Friday to retake the throne.

This decision followed the Kano State House of Assembly’s resolution to dethrone the current Emir and repeal the controversial 2019 law that created four additional Emirates in the state.

Sources say all that is required is the governor’s assent.

Majority Leader of the Kano State House of Assembly, Lawan Dala, who sponsored the Amendment Bill, disclosed shortly after Thursday’s session that “the bill has been sent to the governor for assent, now there is no longer an active Emir in Kano in all the five Emirates; Kano, Bichi, Gaya, Rano and Karaye. The law now provides the governor to call on the traditional kingmakers to choose a new king.”

The then restructuring of the Kano Emirate was seen as a political move to whittle down the powers of the then Emir Sanusi II who was a critic of the former Governor Abdullahi Ganduje’s administration.

Lamido Sanusi was eventually deposed.

In repealing the law, Deputy Speaker, Muhammad Butu, explained that it would revive the lost glory of Kano as the division of Kano Emirate to five reduced the capacity and dignity of the state at the national level.

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