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Landslide Sweeps Two Buses into River in Nepal, Over 60 Missing

Two Buses Swept into River in Nepal, Over 60 Missing

Rescuers in Nepal are still searching for survivors after a landslide swept two buses off a major highway into the Trishuli River early Friday morning.

At least 60 people are unaccounted for while three others who managed to swim to safety have been hospitalised. The incident happened on a highway linking the capital to the southern regions of Nepal. Authorities say the two buses were swept away near Simaltal, approximately 120 kilometres west of Kathmandu.

Despite the ongoing search involving the army and the police, no vehicle has been found.
Due to heavy monsoon rains recently, the waterways have swelled, making it challenging to locate the wreckage. Additionally, ongoing rain and further landslides are hampering rescue efforts.

Reports say that a third bus was swept off on the same highway at a nearby location on Friday. The driver was killed, and the number of casualties has not been ascertained.

Also, on Thursday night, a family of seven was killed after a landslide buried their hut situated close to the resort town of Pokhara. The family was asleep when the unfortunate incident occurred. Access to the area has been blocked because of numerous landslides.

Prime Minister of Nepal, Pushpa Kamal Dahal, expressed deep sorrow and grave concern over the recent flooding and landslides that have claimed nearly 100 lives since mid-June. Heavy monsoon rains triggered these disasters in the mountainous country.

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