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Legal Interact Launches AI-Powered Online Lawyer in South Africa

AI-law-firm-in-Africa-Expertise-in-AI-legal-services (News Central TV)

South African information technology service-based company Legal Interact has launched an innovative interface with a human intermediary in the loop. It functions on the platform of Microsoft Azure using Azure Open AI to offer legal intelligence to South Africans with ease.

Cofounder of My AI Lawyer, Rapheal Segal said they created this software to help people get better access to justice, through technology. 

In the words of  Avantedge Group’s Norman Kretzmer: “With technology, you don’t see the influence that it has on humans out there and this was a real opportunity to bring something to people that really need it, like those who do not have access to legal advice or a lawyer.”

It was designed to make information available and accessible to the citizens.

 According to Google, AI is where ‘curiosity and discovery live’.

This was done by integrating the software into WhatsApp where the user sends a question and receives answers instantly.

Segal said the design incorporates three aspects: “The first is the flavour. The essence of the answer must be one of compassion.” This is to humanise the experience for users.

The second aspect is that it ensures the answers the answers would be comprehensible to everyone and the third part is “making sure the answer is thought through and understood and if there is more that’s needed, it recommends a human lawyer for you…Its AI when you need it and human when you want it.”

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