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Lusaka Woman Poisons Children to Death, Dies by Suicide

Two children aged 3 and 5 have died after their mother, from Kabanana compound in Lusaka poisoned three of her children on Tuesday, April 11,2023.

 The deceased’s husband Duncan Mbewe said the first child aged 8 survived because he was not around when it happened but was away in Mozambique where he worked for a daily wage.

Mbewe says his wife was constantly talking about taking her own life due to the burden of debt bothering her as she was indebted to a few persons. He said she became suicidal even after assuring her, they were both going to resolve the issues together.

He says he only received a message from his wife while in Mozambique, ‘seeking apologies for everything’.

Police have launched investigations into the matter. The shattered Mbewe has appealed for prayers from family and friends as he smatters from the loss of his wife and children under such circumstances.

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