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M23 Seize Town in Eastern DRC as Rebels Continue Advance

The M23 militia group has seized another town in the war-torn eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) as the rebels continue to gain more ground.

On Sunday, the M23 (March 23 Movement) took Kirumba town in the North Kivu province, which has been beset by violence since 2021 when the group relaunched its armed campaign in the region.

Kirumba is the biggest town south of the Lubero territory, where the group has been advancing. It is also a significant commercial centre with over 120,000 residents.

Kinshasa accuses Kigali of supporting the Tutsi-dominated M23 rebel group, which has taken swathes of eastern DRC territory in an ongoing offensive launched in 2021. Rwanda denies the accusation.

According to the AFP, the rebels plan to proceed to Butembo en route to the capital.

“Go tell the population of Butembo that we are en route (there); we will arrive everywhere,” M23 General Gaceri Justin said during the meeting.

On Saturday, M23 seized the strategic town of Kanyabayonga. Home to more than 60,000 people, the major commercial centre is considered a pathway to Butembo and Beni in the north. According to officials and security sources, M23 has seized other towns near Kanyabayonga.

President Felix Tshisekedi convened a meeting of the DRC’s defence council on Saturday and ordered security forces to safeguard the country’s territorial integrity.

DRC’s mineral-rich east has been plagued by decades of violence unleashed by several armed groups aiming to control the vast resources in the region.

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