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Macron Dissolves Parliament, Calls For Legislative Elections

French President Emmanuel Macron announced on Sunday that he would dissolve parliament and call for snap legislative elections following the far-right’s impressive performance in the European Union (EU) elections, which saw them trounce Macron’s centrist alliance. The first round of elections for the lower house National Assembly is set to take place on June 30, with the second round scheduled for July 7.

Acknowledging that the EU election results were “not a good result for parties who defend Europe,” Macron noted that far-right parties in France, including the top-scoring National Rally (RN), had managed to secure almost 40 per cent of the vote. He expressed concern over the progress of far-right parties across the continent, stating, “Far right parties… are progressing everywhere on the continent. It is a situation to which I cannot resign myself.”

Macron accused the far right of representing “the impoverishment” and “downgrading” of France. “So, at the end of this day, I cannot act as if nothing had happened,” he added. “I decided to give you the choice… Therefore, I will dissolve the National Assembly tonight. This decision is serious and heavy, but it is an act of confidence. Confidence in you, dear compatriots, and in the capacity of the French people to make the best choice for itself and future generations.”

The RN’s list, led by 28-year-old Jordan Bardella, secured between 32.3 and 33 per cent of the vote, significantly outperforming Macron’s alliance, which garnered only 14.8 to 15.2 per cent, according to projections from several polling firms. Bardella, addressing supporters, declared that the French had “expressed a desire for change” and was the first to call on Macron to hold snap legislative elections.

Marine Le Pen, the figurehead of the RN, expressed her readiness to exercise power if the French people placed their confidence in her party. The dissolution of parliament marks the first such move since 1997, when then right-wing president Jacques Chirac called snap legislative elections, only to see the left win a majority, forcing him into a period of “cohabitation.”

A presidential advisor, speaking anonymously, stated that Macron’s camp was entering the elections “to win,” adding that “risk-taking” is part of their “DNA.” RN deputy chief Louis Aliot announced that the party would seek to win a majority in the legislative elections and make Bardella prime minister.

Macron’s ruling party found little consolation in narrowly retaining second place ahead of the Socialists, who secured 13–14 per cent of the vote. The hard-left France Unbowed (LFI) party was set to score around nine per cent, the traditional right-wing Republicans seven per cent, and the main French Green party EELV just five per cent.

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