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Malawi Missing Plane: Mrs. Chilima Safe, Former First Lady Among Missing Passengers

Malawi-Vice-President Chilima (News Central TV)

Following a search and rescue mission for a missing flight feared to have crash-landed in Chikangawa, it has been confirmed that Mrs. Mary Chilima, wife of Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima, is not among the missing passengers.

Initially, it was feared that Vice President Chilima and his wife, Mary, were on the plane. However, the passenger manifest confirms that former First Lady Patricia Shanil Muluzi is among the eight passengers on the Malawi Defence Forces-owned aircraft.

Other passengers listed are:

Mr. Dan Kanyemba

Mr. Chisomo Chimaneni

Ms. Gloria Mtukule

Mr. Abdul Kingstone Lapukeni

Mr. Lukas Kapheni

President Lazarus Chakwera has cancelled his trip to the Bahamas and is expected to address the nation tonight, as the rescue mission has reportedly been suspended until tomorrow.

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