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Mali Restarts Political Activity Following National Dialogue

Colonel Assimi Goita (C), President of the National Committee for the Salvation of People ordered the detentions on May 24, raising fears of a second coup CREDIT: MICHELE CATTANI/ AFP

On Wednesday, the Mali council of ministers said that the military junta had lifted a suspension on political party activities meant to safeguard public order.

This government had frozen party activities in April before a national dialogue to determine the country’s immediate future. Mali has been grappling with an insurgency for more than a decade and has been under military rule since August 2020.

“By taking this deterrent measure, the government was able to contain all the threats of public disorder that hung over this major event,” the council of ministers said.

The government says that political parties can resume their activities as the focus shifts to implementing the April 13–May 10 dialogue recommendations.

After seizing power in a second coup in 2021, Mali’s junta reversed its promise to hold elections in February, citing technical reasons and postponing the vote indefinitely. This move sparked anger among political parties and civil society groups at the time, leading to calls for restoring constitutional order.

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