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Manchester United Legend Eric Cantona Questions World’s Stance on Israel

Manchester United Legend Eric Cantona Questions World's Stance on Israel

Former Manchester United football legend Eric Cantona has raised doubts about the global attitude towards Israel, stating, “Is there anyone left to defend these criminals,” and not to call this “genocide.”

In an Instagram post, Cantona, aged 58, expressed his concerns, asking, “Is there anyone left to defend these criminals? Is there anyone left who would not condemn the criminals? Are there still states that still arm these criminals? Is there anyone left who would not call this a genocide? Is there anyone lef who would not shed a tear in the face of such horror?” 

Israel’s recent assault on Rafah, resulting in the deaths of at least 45 Palestinians and injuring 250 more, garnered widespread condemnation from the international community and the foreign ministers of three European countries. They stressed the urgency for a lasting ceasefire and a two-state solution.

Since a cross-border attack by Palestinian group, Hamas on October 7 last year, Israel has claimed the lives of over 36,000 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Known for his support of Palestine, Eric Cantona had a significant career at Manchester United from 1992 to 1997, where he played the most games. He secured five English Premier League titles, four with Manchester United and one with Leeds United. Additionally, he was the French League champion in 1989 and 1991 while playing for Olympique Marseille.

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