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Many Worshippers Injured in Kano Mosque Arson Attack


Several worshippers were left injured after Shafiu Aminu, a Kano resident, set a mosque on fire at Laraba Abasawa in Gezawa Local Government Area of Kano State.

The incident occurred during the early hours of Wednesday, while members of the community were observing the ‘Subh’ prayer.

Witnesses reported that Aminu used petrol to ignite the fire while approximately 40 people were praying inside the mosque. He then locked the mosque after setting it ablaze, trapping worshippers inside.

It took some time for people outside to realise the situation and rescue the victims who were struggling to escape.

At least 28 worshippers sustained serious injuries and were rushed to Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital in Kano for treatment.

A resident, Ibrahim Jibrin, said this was not the first time Aminu had caused harm in the area as he had a history of violence.

Eye witnesses said Aminu voluntarily surrendered to the police after the arson.

His reasons for carrying out the act was yet to be established at the time of writing this report.

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