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Minimum Wage: No Strike on Tuesday, Says Labour

Nigeria: Labour Tells Governors to Resign Over Failure to Pay Minimum Wage

The Organised Labour has announced that there will be no strike today, Tuesday, as the one-week suspension of the strike for the minimum wage ends today.

Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) President, Joe Ajaero, stated on Monday, while speaking at the ongoing International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland, that the union is awaiting a response from President Bola Ahmed Tinubu. He mentioned that Labour’s National Executive Council (NEC) will discuss the new figure following the president’s decision.

Ajaero, the NLC President said: “The tripartite committee submitted two figures to the President. Government and employers proposed N62,000, while labour proposed N250,000.
“We are waiting for the decision of the President. Our National Executive Council, NEC, will deliberate on the new figure when it is out.
“We cannot declare strike now because the figures are with the President. We will wait for the President’s decision.
“During the tenure of the immediate past President, the figure proposed to him was N27,000 by the tripartite committee.
“But he increased it to N30,000. We are hopeful that this President will do the right thing. The President had noted that the difference between N62,000 and N250,000 is a wide gulf.”

Ajero also addressed the motion made by the state governors who claimed they could not pay the N60,000 minimum wage proposed by the federal government.

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