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Modi and the Future of Democracy in India

Narendra Modi, India’s incumbent Prime Minister, stands at a pivotal juncture in the country’s political existence following an unexpected turn of events in the recent general elections.

Despite initial predictions of a resounding victory for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), the results revealed a different narrative, casting shadows on Modi’s leadership and the future of democracy in India.

The fervent anticipation of a sweeping victory for the BJP quickly dissolved into astonishment as the election results showed a fractured mandate. While Modi secured his second re-election, the BJP fell short of a majority in parliament, a stark contrast to the grand ambitions of winning 400 seats.

Modi’s ascendancy to power over the past decade has been marked by a consolidation of authority and the cultivation of a personality cult. Employing various mediums, from weekly radio shows to digital propaganda, Modi crafted an image of a transformative leader, invoking nostalgia for India’s past glory.

However, beneath the veneer of progress lies a reality marred by economic disparities and unfulfilled promises. Despite rhetoric on economic growth, wealth inequality has soared, exacerbating the plight of the marginalised. Youth unemployment persists, reflecting the growing chasm between aspirations and opportunities.

Modi, and his BJP government do not brook opposition and have been constantly accused of deploying the full might of the state against their political opponents.

Hannah Ellis-Petersen said recently, that there is almost no method around holding Modi accountable. “Modi has never done a press conference, he has an overwhelming majority in parliament and his critics often find themselves behind bars or harassed by government agencies,” she said.

The electoral setback in Uttar Pradesh shows the discontent among diverse socio-economic groups, fuelled by apprehensions of religious marginalisation. Modi’s pursuit of Hindu nationalism faces scrutiny amid concerns over constitutional integrity and minority rights.

As Modi steers through the complexities of coalition politics, the onus lies on him to forge alliances and accommodate diverse interests. The current term presents a pivotal opportunity to redefine priorities, balancing economic imperatives with social cohesion. Modi must now look beyond the electoral verdict and push for more transparency and inclusivity in governance.

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