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Murdered Zimbabwean Activist Ali to be Buried Two Years After Murder

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Moreblessing Ali, the late Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) activist who was hacked to death by a Zanu PF supporter, is finally about to be buried, two years after her heinous murder.

Ali was reported missing on May 24, 2022, before her dismembered body was discovered thrown in a disused well owned by the assailant Pius Jamba’s mother.

In relaying the news of her impending burial, the Ali family reported that Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) had permitted them to examine her body after being refused the opportunity since 2022.

The family had vowed in solidarity that Moreblessing would not be buried until their lawyer, Job Sikhala, was released from prison after being arrested while doing duties in their capacity.

Sikhala was freed last month after serving 595 days in pretrial imprisonment at Chikurubi Maximum Prison on allegations of inciting violence stemming from comments he reportedly made following Moreblessing’s death.

“Now that Sikhala, our lawyer, has been released from prison, our family feels immense relief as he reunites with his loved ones. On the day of his release, Sikhala expressed his sentiments, emphasising that it is now time to lay Moreblessing Ali to rest,” said family Spokesperson Washington Ali.

“We deeply appreciate the unwavering support and solidarity from all of you during these challenging nearly two years, which lacked proper mourning and burial for our beloved family member

“The family has been in communication with the police, and we have had the opportunity to view Moreblessing’s dismembered body. Plans are underway to provide Moreblessing with a dignified burial. “You will be notified once the burial dates are confirmed.”

Jamba was sentenced to 30 years in prison last December by High Court judge Justice Esther Muremba, who stated that he deserved a long prison sentence because he murdered a defenseless woman.

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