The three-year-old son of Hollywood star Macaulay Culkin seems to be experiencing an extremely cute identity crisis.

In addition to having watched his father’s cherished 1990s holiday favourite “Home Alone,” Culkin’s son Dakota, whom he shares with fiancée Brenda Song, believes he is Culkin’s hallmark character, Kevin McCallister.
In an interview that was published on Thursday, Macaulay told E! News, “He thinks he’s Kevin.” He also said that his son genuinely thinks that he, like McCallister in the movie, had blonde hair, went down the stairs in a sledge, and “fought the burglars” himself.
The three-year-old son of Macaulay Culkin is experiencing what seems like a very cute identity problem.
At that moment, Culkin was forced to make fun of his son by calling him “a lying liar who lies,” he added. I was that person.

When Culkin was seven years old, he appeared in the movie “Home Alone.” The 1990 film has since gained a reputation as a classic and inspired follow-up.
When a young boy’s parents unintentionally leave him home alone while on vacation, the movie chronicles his experiences. Before McCallister is forced to use inventive tactics to stave off home robbers, everything is fine and enjoyable.
The cast is comprised of Joe Pesci, John Heard, Daniel Stern, and Catherine O’Hara.
“Home Alone” has come to represent Christmas, something Culkin admitted he initially opposed but is now beginning to accept.
“I’m a part of that, and it’s very rare to have something that kind of encompasses an important day,” he remarked. Accepting it is more enjoyable than resisting it.