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Namibian President Geingob Reshuffles Cabinet, Appoints 22 year old into Parliament

Spurred by the resignation of former Defense Minister Peter Vilho on allegations of corruption in April, Namibia’s President Hage Geingob has reshuffled his Cabinet.

Geingob named Home Affairs Minister Frans Kapofi as new Defense Minister.
He reassigned Fisheries Minister Albert Kawana to lead the Home Affairs Ministry while Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural Development Derek Klazen has been named the new Fisheries Minister.

Newly appointed Defense Minister, Frans Kapofi

Former SWAPO Party Youth League leader and parliamentarian Heather Sibungo was appointed Deputy Minister of Environment while former Home Affairs Deputy Minister Maureen Hinda-Mbuende was named as Deputy Minister of Finance.

The Presidency also announced the appointment of 22 year old, Patience Masua as a Member of the National Assembly.

Masua holds a Bachelor of Laws LLB (Honours) from the University of Namibia and has served as the Secretary-General of the Namibia National Students Organisation (NANSO). She has also worked as an Assistant in the Office of the SWAPO Party Chief Whip in the National Assembly.

Geingob wished Masua well in the execution of her legislative duties.
Article 46 (1)(b) of the Constitution of the Republic of Namibia, empowers the President to appoint eight persons to the composition of the National Assembly.

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