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NANS Demands Urgent Infrastructure Audit After Plateau School Collapse

NANS Demands Urgent Infrastructure Audit After Plateau School Collapse

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has called on the Nigerian government to focus on student safety by ensuring all schools are checked for structural integrity.

This appeal comes after a school building collapsed on students taking exams in Jos, Plateau State. At least 22 students were confirmed killed, and scores injured.

NANS President Pedro Chibuzo Obi said the tragic event highlights long-standing issues of neglect in the educational system. He insisted that the poor condition of school buildings cannot be ignored, as it endangers students’ lives.

Obi expressed sympathy for the affected families and called for a thorough investigation to hold those responsible accountable.

He also advocated for strict enforcement of building standards and regular school inspections to prevent future tragedies. He stressed that immediate action is necessary to avoid further incidents.

“This tragic incident is a stark reminder of the negligence and complacency that has plagued our educational system for far too long.

“We cannot continue to risk the lives of our students by ignoring the dilapidated state of our school infrastructure,” Obi said.

“We demand a thorough and transparent investigation into the cause of this collapse, and those found responsible must be held accountable,” he said.

“We cannot afford to wait for another tragedy to strike before we take action. The time to act is now,” he added.

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