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New York Governor Kathy Criticised for Calling Black Kids Illiterate

NY Governor, Kathy Hochul Criticised for Calling Black Children Illiterates

The Governor of New York, Kathy Hochul, has faced criticism for her remarks suggesting that Black children in the Bronx are unfamiliar with computers.

While addressing a technology panel in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, Hochul said, “Right now, we have young black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word ‘computer’ is. They don’t know these things.” Following considerable backlash, Hochul apologised, acknowledging her misstep and expressing regret.

Subsequently, during a discussion at the Milken Institute Global Conference regarding New York‘s artificial intelligence initiative, Kathy mentioned a new Artificial Intelligence consortium involving universities and state schools. She outlined plans for state-raised funds to support the development of a supercomputer accessible to researchers. Once again, Hochul referred to the purported lack of awareness of the term “computer” among Black children in the Bronx.

“I want the world to open up to all of them,” she added, “because when you have their diverse voices innovating solutions through technology, then  you’re really addressing society’s broader challenges.” 

The New York Governor’s statement was condemned by New York Afro-Latina Assembly member Karines Reyes and South Bronx assembly member Amanda Septimo, who is black. Both called the statement disturbing, harmful, deeply misinformed and genuinely appalling.

After her apology, she said, “Of course, black children in the Bronx know what computers are – the problem is that they too often lack access to the technology needed to get on track to high-paying jobs in emerging industries like AI.”

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