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NGOs Empower Sixty Widows with Essential Skills in Abuja


Two Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), the Rasaq Okulaja Empowerment Initiative and Helpline Social Support Initiative, have equipped sixty widows in Abuja with essential skills to promote self-sustainable living.

During a memorial empowerment and exhibition programme, the widows were trained in tie and dye, soap making, turban creation, and snack production.

Dr Jumai Ahmadu, President of Helpline Social Support Initiative, stated that this empowerment programme marks the two-year memorial of the late Rev. Rasaq Okulaja, and aims to alleviate poverty among widows.

Ahmadu encouraged the widows to form clusters for sharing resources, accessing financial support, and organising training for other vulnerable groups.

She also stressed the importance of good packaging, marketing, and business registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).

Mrs Toyin Okulaja, wife of the late Rev. Rasaq Okulaja, restated her husband’s legacy of community impact and explained the initiative’s purpose to continue his work.

She noted that 50 women and young girls were empowered in 2023 and exhibited their products at the event. This year, the focus was on widows, providing them with skills, food items, and some financial support.

“After he died, we decided to establish an empowerment initiative after his name to keep his legacy alive, and continue to impact and transform the lives of the poor and vulnerable in our communities.

“We empowered 50 women and young girls in 2023 with different skills and today they are exhibiting their products.

“This year, we decided to support only widows with self-sustaining skills, food items and a little cash to support their lives because they are going through a lot,” she stated.

Beneficiaries of the programme shared their success stories, and expressed gratitude for the empowerment that enabled them to support their families and further their education.

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