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Nigeria Affirms Dedication to Sustain Defence Collaboration with France

Nigeria Affirms Dedication to Sustain Defence Collaboration with France

The Nigerian government has reiterated its commitment to maintaining bilateral defence relations with France.

Mohammed Badaru, the Minister of Defence, conveyed this commitment during a meeting with the outgoing Ambassador of France to Nigeria, Emmanuelle Blatmann, and her delegation at the Ship House in Abuja on Wednesday, January 10, 2024.

According to a statement by Henshaw Ogubike, the Director of Press and Public Relations, Badaru expressed Nigeria’s readiness to build upon the existing relationship between the two nations. He emphasised that enhancing training and technology transfer would further solidify the strong bilateral ties that both countries have cultivated.

Acknowledging the outgoing ambassador for fostering a cordial relationship with Nigeria, Badaru highlighted that Nigeria and France are strategic partners. He pledged to intensify efforts to elevate this partnership to new heights.

In her remarks, Ambassador Emmanuelle Blatmann praised the Nigerian government for its warm reception, affection, and trust. She emphasised the importance of developing cooperation in intelligence sharing to combat extremism, terrorist movements, and regional insecurity.

Mrs. Blatmann also announced her new role as the Head of African and Indian Ocean at the Foreign Affairs Ministry in France. She pledged France’s increased cooperation with Nigeria to deepen their defence relationship, expressing a commitment to fostering mutual collaboration.

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