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Nigeria Bar Association Holds Training on Mining Laws in Nigeria

The Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), through its Institute of Continuing Legal Education (ICLE), is organising a specialised training session on Mining Law and Practice for lawyers based in Kaduna State and Northern Nigeria. This training aims to equip legal professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills to navigate the growing commercial mining sector in the region.

The free training session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 10 a.m. It will take place at the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation Hall, Race Course, Kaduna, coinciding with the Kaduna Bar Law Week events.

Tobenna Erojikwe, Chairman of the Governing Board of NBA-ICLE, expressed the importance of this initiative: “With the surge in commercial mining activities in Northern Nigeria, there is a growing need for lawyers skilled in advising clients in this sector. This training aims to equip you with the necessary foundational knowledge and practical skills to confidently handle mining-related matters.”

The training will feature a distinguished faculty of highly experienced experts in the mining industry. These experts will provide practical insights, enabling participants to position themselves as top-notch legal service providers in the mining sector.

Erojikwe emphasised the opportunity for professional growth, stating, “Seize this invaluable opportunity to expand your expertise and unlock new avenues for professional growth.”

The NBA encourages all eligible lawyers to participate in this capacity-building initiative, aiming to enhance their professional skills and contribute effectively to the legal aspects of the mining industry in Nigeria.

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