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Nigeria Begins Mass Trial of Hundreds Boko Haram Suspects

Borno Horror: Boko Haram Rampage Claims 12 Lives, 1 Abducted

The mass trial for another group of 300 captured members of the Boko Haram terrorist group has commenced in Nigeria.

In an update on the judicial process, Michael Abu, Director of Strategic Communications and Head of the National Counter-Terrorism Centre, stated that the trial is in line with international criminal justice standards and is being conducted by the Federal High Court of Nigeria.

He also emphasised that five judges oversee the trial to ensure a prompt judicial process for the defendants.

The Nigerian government had announced its plan to prosecute 5,000 members of Boko Haram who were captured in the northeastern region. These individuals are currently being tried in groups at the federal court.

Since 2009, Boko Haram has been responsible for numerous terror attacks in Nigeria, resulting in the loss of over 20,000 lives.

The group has expanded its attacks to neighbouring countries such as Cameroon, Chad, and Niger, resulting in a minimum of 2,000 additional fatalities in the Lake Chad Basin region.

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