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Nigeria: Court Grants Former Kwara Governor Ahmed ₦ 50 Million Bail

Former Governor Abdulfatah-Ahmed (News Central TV)

Abdulfatah Ahmed, former Governor of Kwara State, has been granted bail by the Federal High Court Ilorin for ₦50,000,000 with two sureties having landed properties in Ilorin, the state capital.

Ahmed is required to deposit his international passport with the court, among other stipulations.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) arraigned the former governor on Friday after the anti-graft agency invited him for questioning on Monday.

However, the media was banned from covering the former governor’s arraignment because they were denied admission into the courtroom.

On Friday, February 23, 2024, a journalist stood outside the courtroom where former governor Abdulfatah Ahmed was being arraigned.
Ahmed was apprehended by the anti-graft agency on Monday and questioned about transactions totaling billions of naira during his tenure as governor of the state.

Ahmed served as governor of the North Central state from May 2011 to May 2019, when he passed over to Governor Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq.

In May 2021, he was questioned by a crack team of agents at the EFCC headquarters in the Jabi region of Abuja, the nation’s capital, regarding the suspected diversion of cash totaling approximately N9 billion from the Kwara State Government’s coffers.

The money was said to have been diverted during Ahmed’s term as governor of the state and as Commissioner of Finance in the government of former Governor Bukola Saraki.

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