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Nigeria Loses Bid to Host AFCON 2027

AFCON-CUP (News Central TV)

Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania have upstaged Nigeria in its bid to host the African Cup of Nations in 2027. The trio was named joint hosts of the 2027 tournament displacing Nigeria’s joint bid with the Benin Republic to host the AFCON.

This is coming after the Minister of Sports Development Senator John Owan Enoh with representatives of the Nigeria Football Federation arrived in Egypt Tuesday to bid to host AFCON 2027.

Nigeria’s only hosting of the AFCON was in 1980 when Christian Chukwu led the team to victory before enthusiastic home fans, including former President Shehu Shagari.

Cameroon and Cote d’Ivoire were given the mandates for the 2021 and 2023 editions on the same day Guinea was selected to host the 2025 finals. However, the Guineans lagged behind badly in the preparations with infrastructure and other facilities unattended to. A new military government in place has not helped the country’s case either, and CAF simply withdrew the hosting right from that country.

Nigeria’s shared hosting with Ghana ended in disappointment as Cameroon’s Indomitable Lions clinched the trophy at the National Stadium in Lagos.

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