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Nigeria: Niger State Aims to Cultivate 250,000 Hectares

Niger State Aims to Cultivate 10,000 Hectares Per Local Government

Governor Umar Mohamed Bago of Niger State in North-Central Nigeria is spearheading a transformative agricultural agenda, unveiling an ambitious initiative to cultivate 10,000 hectares per local government, culminating in a substantial 250,000 hectares in the inaugural year.

The Commissioner of Agriculture, Musa Salihu Bawa Bosso, shared this vision during an interview with journalists in his office, emphasising the long-term goal of cultivating an impressive 1 million hectares within the next four years.

Bosso highlighted the flourishing collaborations between the state and various agricultural entities, particularly in the realm of mechanisation, aiming to make agriculture an appealing and viable business and career option for the youth.

Leveraging the state’s abundant resources, including expansive arable land and water bodies, the government is committed to harnessing these assets to generate employment, especially for youth and women, while concurrently enhancing overall productivity.

In a promising development, Bosso revealed that the planting phase is set to commence in the next one to two weeks. The federal government recognises Niger State as a flagship for the agri-business project, focusing on key crops such as rice, maize, cassava, and cotton.

Addressing support for farmers, the commissioner outlined an extensive plan targeting 250,000 farmers across various crops, underscoring the significance of quality inputs and adherence to best agricultural practices. He articulated, “Our comprehensive approach aims to elevate yields and transform farming into a sustainable business venture.”

Highlighting the broader societal impact, Bosso noted that “the Bago administration’s commitment to agriculture has not only spurred economic growth but has also played a pivotal role in reducing insecurity.” By providing employment opportunities and addressing the root causes of unrest, the government aspires to foster a more secure and prosperous community.

Bosso emphasised, “The former governor’s administration is unlocking the agricultural potential of Niger State, positioning it as a beacon of sustainable development.” He stated that the focus on agriculture is perceived as a strategic move to alleviate poverty, create jobs, and ensure food security, underscoring the governor’s dedication to collaboration and partnership with investors.

“This initiative marks a pivotal moment in restoring Niger State’s agricultural glory, ensuring a prosperous future for its residents,” he added.

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