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Nigeria: Seven Killed After Gunmen Raid Village in Katsina

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At least seven people have been killed and scores kidnapped on Saturday following an attack by gunmen on a rural community in Nigeria’s northwestern Katsina state, police said on Sunday.

Residents said gunmen began shooting sporadically after arriving at Maidabino village in Danmusa local government area of Katsina on motorbikes.

Armed gangs have frequently raided communities in the northwest, kidnapping residents, students and motorists for ransom.

A resident, Hassan Aliyu who confirmed the attack, said residents were surprised at its audacity. “They killed seven people, including burning two children, and spent more than six hours destroying our properties.” Aliyu said.

Witnesses also disclosed the gunmen first blocked all routes leading to Maidabino before the attack and took away scores of women and children.

Katsina state police spokesperson Abubakar Aliyu Sadiq confirmed that seven people were killed in the violence and said investigations had begun.

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