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Nigeria: Taraba is Ready to Pay Agreed Minimum Wage — Kefas

Taraba State Governor, Agbu Kefas, says his government is prepared to pay any minimum wage agreed upon between the Federal Government and organised labour.

Speaking during an inspection tour of projects in the capital, Jalingo, Kefas emphasised his administration’s commitment to workers’ welfare, saying he will continue to ensure that their rights and privileges are protected.

The governor said whatever figure is determined as the new minimum wage, he is duty-bound to pay.

“We are progressing, we are waiting for whatever decisions the Federal Government arrives at, we are with them,” he said.

“We will make sure the welfare of our workers is everybody’s responsibility. So, if the Federal Government is willing to improve the welfare of our workers, the same thing will happen at the state level.

Talks between organized labour and the government have stalled with both parties still unable to agree on a figure.

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