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Nigeria to Launch 1.4 Petabyte Data Centre in May

The Nigerian government plans to open a state-of-the-art data centre capable of storing up to 1.4 petabytes of data. It will also house sensitive national information such as citizens’ biometrics.

Minister of the Interior, Dr Olubunmi Tunji-Ojo disclosed this during a meeting with a delegation from the National Union of Nigerian Associations in Italy (NUNAI), led by its President, Chief Rowland Ndukuba.

He said that the data centre will be opened before May 29, 2024, as part of activities lined to commemorate President’s Tinubu one year in office.

The Minister said the importance of embracing technology and innovation could not be over-emphasised, highlighting the role of cutting-edge solutions in addressing modern challenges, adding that they would also promote efficiency and accountability.

Ndukuba noted the Ministry’s efforts in addressing the challenges faced by Nigerians in Italy and stressed the need for increased collaboration.

As of 2023, Nigeria has over 11 data centres, with most located in Lagos, Abuja, and Kano. These include the Open Access Data Centre (OADC), Rack Centre, MDXi, Medallion (Digital Reality), 21st Century; ADC, MTN, CEWA, and Galaxy BackBone. This space has received more than $230 million in investment, and the market is expected to grow to $415 million by 2028. 

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