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Nigerian Army Restates Commitment to Dealing Threats

Chief of Army Staff, Lt.-Gen. Ibrahim Attahiru, has reiterated the Nigerian Army’s resolution to deal with the prevailing security threats across the country as directed by President Muhammadu Buhari.

This was at the opening of the Combined Chief of Army Staff First Quarter Conference and Nigerian Army Operations Retreat 2021. The retreat provided a platform to reassess the threat environment and review military operations with a view to identifying gaps that could be addressed in the planning and conduct of future operations.

Attahiru urged Commanders to glean from his command philosophy to ensure that operational and administrative proficiency of the Nigerian Army formations and units remain sustained and continuously improved upon. His command philosophy include readiness, capacity, continuous leadership development and duty to country as cardinal pillars.

This, he remarked is in line with the president’s directive and his intent to rebuild the army into a formidable force.

Readiness, Attahiru noted, entails mission-oriented training, functional manning and equipping and capacity built on the dependability of the Nigerian Army to accomplish any mission in line with norms enshrined in core values and ethics.
Continuous leadership development would ensure that the Nigerian Army continues to roll out innovative 21st century commanders.

He went on to implore all formation and unit commanders to immediately key into his vision with a view to take the Nigerian Army to greater heights.
On logistics, Attahiru pointed out that the army would soon receive combat enablers that would enhance and boost its operations.

He added that concerted efforts were being made to eliminate the threats of improvised explosive devices which have been a major impediment to troops and their operations in Operation Lafiya Dole.

Attahiru assure the troops of his determination to rebuild fighting skills, capacity, confidence and morale of troops across the various theatres of operations and to achieve all that, his top priorities for the second and third quarters of the year would be training.

Training would be closely followed by procurement which ensures appropriate kitting and provision of protective gear, weapons, equipment and platforms.

Attahiru, like his predecessor, has pledged to ensure troops welfare is given paramount attention as well as ensuring sound administration of troops and their families.

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