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Nigerian Given Life Sentence for Wife’s Murder in the UK

Olubunmi Abodunde, a Nigerian man, has been sentenced to life imprisonment in the United Kingdom for the murder of his wife, Taiwo, whom he killed with a skateboard. He attempted to justify his actions by attributing his loss of control to medication.

The incident happened in their West Suffolk home in November 2023. Taiwo died from severe brain injuries.

Before sentencing Abodunde, the Ipswich Crown Court took cognisance of the barbarity of the attack.

The defendant, who was on a restraining order prohibiting contact with his spouse after a domestic incident, went to their home to allegedly retrieve a mobile phone after the deceased had just returned home from her overnight shift.

Prosecutors said between 40 and 50 “thuds” were heard, and it was believed to be Abodunde attacking his wife.

By the time police officers gained access into the property about thirty minutes later, they found the lifeless body of Mrs Abodunde with her skull smashed in.”

An autopsy confirmed that she had suffered “catastrophic brain injuries”.

The court was told the victim had also been strangled.

The court was told the Nigerian couple had a “history of frequent disputes over bills and money” with some “low-level violence” involved.

In his ruling, Judge Levett described Taiwo’s killing as “ruthless, violent, savage and heartless”.

He will serve at least 17 years in prison before being considered for parole.

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