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Nigerian Immigrants Among Top Five Overseas Healthcare Workers in UK

Nigerian Immigrants Among Top Five Overseas Healthcare Workers in UK

Nigerian immigrants have emerged as one of the leading contributors to the success of healthcare in the UK, with a significant number playing key roles.

According to data released by the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) on Sunday, Nigerian immigrants ranked fifth out of 101 countries whose citizens are employed by the NHS, with 10,494 immigrants working within the system. The International College of Surgeons, Nigerian Section, raised concerns in June 2023 about the substantial exodus of Nigerian doctors seeking better opportunities in the UK.

Statistics indicate that approximately 6,221 Nigerian doctors have relocated to the UK, resulting in Nigeria having a ratio of 1 doctor to over 4,000 patients, a far cry from the World Health Organisation’s standard of 1 doctor to 600 patients.

“One NHS, many nationalities, the NHS said in a post on X. ”Huge thanks to every single person who helps keep the NHS going.”

The UK leads the list with 1,118,116 citizens working within its healthcare service. India boasts the highest number of foreign staff employed by the NHS, with 32,117 individuals, while the Philippines follows closely behind with 25,423 of its citizens working within the UK’s health service. Ireland holds the third spot with 14,151 nationals, and Poland ranks fourth with 10,520 staff members.

Nigeria secures the fifth position with 12,494 of its citizens employed within the UK healthcare system. Other African countries represented include Zimbabwe with 4,780 individuals, Ghana with 3,395, and Egypt with 2,895.

Beyond Africa, records indicate that 1,514 health professionals from the United States are part of the British NHS workforce. Saudi Arabia and Brunei have 70 and 72 individuals respectively employed within the UK NHS.

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