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Nigerian Senate Passes Bill to Revert to Old National Anthem

Senate Passes Bill To Revert To Old National Anthem

The Nigerian Senate has approved the 2024 National Anthem Bill to reinstate the former national anthem, “Nigeria, we hail thee.” The bill now awaits endorsement from President Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

The former anthem was crafted when Nigeria attained independence on October 1, 1960, but was discontinued in 1978 during the military regime of Olusegun Obasanjo.

“Nigeria We Hail Thee” was penned by Lillian Jean Williams, a British expatriate who resided in Nigeria during the country’s independence.

According to Senate Leader Opeyemi Bamidele, the former national anthem instilled profound patriotism among Nigerians. He remarked, “Those who experienced that era acknowledge its pivotal role in our nation’s history, invoking nostalgia and cherished memories of our early years.”
Bamidele added that the second stanza of the current national anthem will serve as the national prayer.

The bill to revert to the former national anthem passed the second reading last week before being ultimately passed on Tuesday.

What are the lyrics to Nigeria We Hail Thee?

Nigeria, we hail thee,
Our own dear native land,
Though tribe and tongue may differ,
In brotherhood, we stand,
Nigerians all, and proud to serve
Our sovereign Motherland.

Our flag shall be a symbol
That truth and justice reign,
In peace or battle honour’d,
And this we count as gain,
To hand on to our children
A banner without stain.

O God of all creation,
Grant this our one request,
Help us to build a nation
Where no man is oppressed,
And so with peace and plenty
Nigeria may be blessed.

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