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Nigeria’s Labour Unions Hold Emergency Meeting on FEC’s Minimum Wage Decision

Organised Labour and the Nigerian Government

The organised labour, comprising the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC), has convened an emergency meeting over the Federal Executive Council’s (FEC) decision to step down the memo on the minimum wage.

News Central gathered that the meeting of top officials at the NLC headquarters is slated for 10:00 AM at the Labour House on Wednesday.

The executives intend to make a decision regarding FEC’s move to step down the memo on the minimum wage.

All 39 items on the agenda of the meeting were addressed except the memo on the minimum wage, according to the Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris.

Nigeria’s Minister of Information and National Orientation, Mohammed Idris.

However, a report by the Tripartite Committee, which comprises the NLC, TUC, local governments, states, and the federal government, was submitted, and there was a memo in that regard.

Idris stated that the Council could not take a decision on it because it involves local governments, states, the federal government, the organised private sector, and labour unions.

It was against this background that the memo on the new minimum wage was stepped down so that President Bola Tinubu could consult widely before a final submission is made to the National Assembly.

The decision of the organised labour will be communicated after the leadership of the two labour unions convenes with the President following his invitation to them.

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