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Nigeria’s NASS to Hold Meeting with NECO on Promotion Exam

Reps to Hold Meeting with NECO on Promotion Exam for 1500 Staff

Nigeria’s House of Representatives has directed the Committee on Education Examination Board and Basic Education to engage with the National Examination Council (NECO) regarding its proposed 2024 promotion examination for approximately 1500 staff members, citing concerns over Nigeria’s security and economic challenges.

This decision was reached following the adoption of a motion titled “The urgent need to review the planned promotion examination by NECO for about 1500 staff to converge at Minna, Niger State, on 14th & 15th February 2024 in view of the security situation and economic hardship in the country,” moved by Akeem Adeniyi Adeyemi.

Adeyemi highlighted that NECO intends to conduct its 2024 staff promotion examination on February 14th and 15th, 2024, at the Federal University of Technology (FUT), Minna, Niger State. He noted that historically, such promotion examinations have been held at various zonal and regional offices rather than requiring staff from across the nation to gather in one location.

Given the prevailing security situation and economic challenges facing the country, Adeyemi expressed concerns about the safety and practicality of convening 1,500 staff members from different regions for the examination.

The House expressed confidence in NECO’s capacity to conduct promotion examinations across different states, considering its nationwide examination operations.

During the plenary session, Speaker Tajudeen Abbas put forward the motion to voice vote, receiving unanimous support from House members.

The motion has been referred to the House Committee on Education Examination Board and Basic Education for further legislative review and action.

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