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Nigeria’s President Tinubu Counters Allegations of Anti-People Policies

Nigeria's President Tinubu Counters Allegations of Anti-people Policies (News Central TV)

As Nigerians celebrated Eid-el-Kabir, the main opposition parties, the Peoples Democratic Party and the Labour Party, on Wednesday accused the President Bola Tinubu-led All Progressives Congress, APC, administration of implementing anti-people policies they said had made it difficult for many people to celebrate.

The PDP and LP’s criticisms, which came on the day President Tinubu completed one month in office, prompted an immediate response from the Presidency, which accused the PDP of being jealous of Tinubu’s accomplishments in three weeks and claimed the president accomplished in three weeks what the PDP could not do in 16 years.

In a similar vein, the ruling APC urged Nigerians to continue supporting President Tinubu as he moves to reposition the country for swift economic growth and moral greatness.

Eid al-Adha, also referred to as Eid-el-Kabir or the Feast of Sacrifice, is a very symbolic Islamic tradition and holiday that honours the Prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to sacrifice his son in compliance with Allah’s command.

PDP Cautions Over Anti-people Policies

The PDP congratulated Nigerians on Eid-el-Kabir and warned the All Progressives Congress, APC, and the Federal Government it controls against imposing anti-people policies on Nigerians. It also urged the populace to take advantage of the holy occasion to pray fervently for the triumph of justice and the will of the Almighty Allah in the country’s affairs. 

The PDP also praised Nigerians for their fortitude in the face of “the most harrowing economic hardship under the APC Federal Government,” and urged them to maintain their patience, hope, and faith in God in the face of the country’s current economic, social, and security challenges.

“Our party charges Nigerians not to allow the hardship and sense of uncertainty they face at the moment to make them lose sight of the essence of the Eid-el-Kabir; the demand for selflessness, absolute trust, and submission to the will, authority, and command of Allah in all issues of life,” said its National Publicity Secretary, Mr. Debo Ologunagba.

“The PDP describes as heart-rending that Nigerians are currently undergoing the most harrowing economic hardship under the APC-led Federal Government, which continues to impose life discounting policies, with attendant hardship, on the people without verifiable plans for relief.

“Our party is deeply worried by the worsening economic crisis, the astronomical increase in the cost of essential goods and services, the collapse of the purchasing power of citizens, and scorching economic distress on millions of families across the country.

“It is saddening that on an occasion like this, millions of Nigerians are observing the period in frustration as they cannot afford the basic necessities to celebrate with their loved ones.

“Many cannot express their affection by travelling to visit or even share it with their family members and friends because of the hardship and insensitive policies imposed by the APC government.

“The PDP, however, urges Nigerians not to despair but to use the Eid-el-Kabir celebration to further unite in love, support, and care for one another at this critical time.”

PDP Envious of Tinubu’s Achievements in 3 weeks —Presidency

Pooh-poohing the PDP’s statement that the President Tinubu-led APC Federal Government was implementing anti-people policies, the Presidency said the PDP was envious of the ruling party’s achievements within three weeks.

The Presidency, through the Special Adviser to the President on Special Duties, Communications, and Strategy, Dele Alake, also said it was expected that the PDP, which allegedly lacked the mental capacity and managerial acumen while in charge of the government for 16 years, would say worse things in the days to come.

Alake said: “They (PDP) will say that, they will even say worse. That is very mild coming from them. We expect them to say worse because all the time they were in government, they lacked the guts, mental capacity, physical resourcefulness, and vision to do what the government has done or accomplished within three short weeks.

“What they could not do in 16 years of holding the presidency of this country, the Bola Ahmed Tinubu administration did within three short weeks. So what do you expect them to say?

“They lacked that mental capacity, physical wherewithal, and managerial acumen to achieve those bold goals, so they have to be envious. So, it is normal, it is natural. If I were you, there is no news in what they have said. It is expected.”

Tinubu’s Government Luxuriates as Nigerians Suffer – LP

On its part, LP slammed President Tinubu’s administration for showing early signs of continuing “the wasteful lifestyle” of its predecessor with its long convoy of vehicles and bloated bureaucracy.

He said it is ironic that an administration whose legitimacy is still being challenged in court will ask Nigerians to “tighten their belts and make sacrifices” while living in opulence.

The party’s national publicity secretary, Obiora Ifoh said: “It is unfortunate that this APC administration, which is still struggling for legitimacy in court, has inflicted pain and suffering on Nigerians just under one month since assuming power, albeit temporarily.

“This is an administration that has supervised increases in the pump price of petroleum products, electricity tariffs, and vehicle registration, among others but has refused to cut the cost of governance.

“President Bola Tinubu just returned from his foreign business/private visit and was welcomed by a convoy of over 100 vehicles fueled by taxpayers’ money.

“We are certain a long list of taxes will soon follow just to raise funds in order to maintain the lifestyles of those in power to the detriment of ordinary Nigerians.

“The administration’s policies have so far revealed a desire of the ruling party to make life harder for ordinary Nigerians because more citizens will certainly fall below the poverty line as more and more jobs are being lost and businesses are going under as a result of rising transportation and energy costs. We implore Nigerians not to despair, as help is on the way. We remain hopeful that there is light at the end of the tunnel and justice will prevail.”

Tinubu Taking Bold Moves to Revitalize Nigeria — APC

Meanwhile, the APC has congratulated Nigerians, especially the Muslim faithful, on the occasion of Eid-el-Kabir, the Islamic festival of sacrifice, and urged them to keep faith in President Tinubu’s administration because the president is taking bold and courageous steps to reposition the country.

APC spokesman, Felix Morka, in a statement, said aside from Eid-el-Kabir’s significance of personal sacrifice, it also underscores Allah’s infinite capacity and willingness to divinely provide for mankind.

“This year’s celebration remarkably coincides with a period in our nation’s history when our dear President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, is taking some courageous and decisive steps to reposition our beloved country for rapid economic growth and wholesome greatness, in line with his administration’s Renewed Hope agenda.

“We urge Nigerians to subscribe to the virtues of sacrifice and patience as we soldier on in our quest for a better Nigeria,” Morka said.

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