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Nigeria’s President Urges Suspension of Sanctions on West African Nations

In a plea for regional solidarity, President Bola Tinubu of Nigeria, currently serving as the Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), has called for the immediate suspension of economic sanctions against Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea.

Addressing leaders at the Extra-ordinary Summit of ECOWAS in Abuja, President Tinubu emphasised the foundational principles of ECOWAS: enhancing the lives of West Africans through cooperation and shared destiny.

Highlighting the unintended consequences of sanctions, President Tinubu remarked that measures meant to encourage dialogue have instead created obstacles, impeding the welfare of the people in the affected nations. “That which is hurtful yet ineffective serves no good purpose and should be abandoned,” he stated, advocating for a return to the core values of ECOWAS, including security, social stability, and sustainable economic development.

In practical terms, the President proposed the indefinite suspension of economic sanctions and urged for the facilitation of essential humanitarian aid, including foodstuffs and medicines, to the affected countries.

For Nigeria, this gesture includes resuming the export of electric power to Niger, highlighting the interconnectedness of the region’s welfare.

Beyond the immediate relief that the suspension of sanctions would bring, President Tinubu envisions this as a stepping stone towards deeper cooperation within ECOWAS. He called upon his fellow leaders to seize this moment of tension as an opportunity to address broader challenges that transcend national borders, such as climate change, violent extremism, and the protection of natural resources.

He concluded by reiterating the collective responsibility of ECOWAS leaders to forge a path of progress and unity. By extending a hand of friendship and collaboration to Niger, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea, ECOWAS can reaffirm its commitment to the principles of fraternity and shared prosperity that underpin the organisation.

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