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Nigeria’s Senate Passes South East Development Commission Bill

Senate President Godswill Akpabio (News Central TV)

Today, the Senate of the Federal Republic of Nigeria successfully passed a significant Bill aimed at establishing the South East Development Commission.

The Bill, sponsored by the Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu, gained momentum and was adopted by the Senate during its plenary session, presided over by Senate President Sen. Godswill Akpabio.

Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu expressed his gratitude to the Senate for the approval of the Bill, which seeks to establish the South East Development Commission (SEDC).

In response to this milestone, the Deputy Speaker highlighted the transformative potential of the Bill, emphasising its role in rebuilding the South East region, which has been deeply affected by historical challenges, notably the civil war.

Furthermore, he highlighted the timely nature of this legislative progress, which coincides with efforts led by members of the National Assembly from the South East region, by championing the Peace in South East Project (PISE-P) — a non-political initiative that employs various approaches to address the region’s multifaceted challenges.

Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rt. Hon. Benjamin Kalu

It is noteworthy that on December 21, 2023, the House of Representatives, chaired by Deputy Speaker Kalu, unanimously passed the Bill during its plenary before forwarding it to the Senate for further consideration.

Kalu highlighted the anticipated positive outcomes of the bill’s enactment and the subsequent establishment of the commission. These include tangible benefits such as job creation, economic growth, and infrastructural development across the region, signaling a promising future for the South East.

Kalu expressed his gratitude, stating, “I am thankful to my Senate colleagues, led by President, Senator Godswill Akpabio, for passing through the 3rd reading the bill I sponsored, seeking the establishment of the South East Development Commission (SEDC). Equally, I appreciate my House colleagues for their initial support and recent passage of the bill.

Regarding the commission’s importance, Kalu emphasized, “The commission is crucial because, upon establishment, it will contribute to the rebuilding of post-war reconstruction efforts that have remained unattended for over fifty years. It will be responsible for conceiving, planning, and implementing projects and programs in alignment with regulations for the sustainable development of the South East States. These include areas such as transportation, health, education, employment, agriculture, industrialisation, housing, urban development, water supply, electricity, and telecommunications.

Additionally, it will conduct surveys to identify necessary measures for promoting the region’s physical and socio-economic advancement.”

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