Nigeria’s Debt Management Office has informed the investing public on its website that a total of N33bn treasury bill were auctioned while it recorded a total subscription of N165.56bn.
They auctioned the treasury bills cut across 91-day, 182-day and 364-day tenors.
A total of N4.38bn was offered on the 91-day; N12.92bn for the 182-day tenor, and N16.5bn was offered on the 364-day tenor.
The 91-day and 182-day tenors got total subscriptions of N22.33bn and N41.19bn respectively, while the 364-day tenor received a N102.03bn subscription.
Total allotments of N19.78bn, N40.09bn and N82.88bn were made on the 91-day, 182-day and 384-day tenors, respectively.
Bid rates in percentage were 1.3900-6.6398, 1.9400-7.4800, and 2.8000-12.8000, while the stop rates in percentage were given as 2.5000, 2.8500 and 3.8400 for the 91-day, 182-day and 364-day tenors respectively.
According to the DMO, allotment date will be May 14, 2020.