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North Korea Drops Scores of Debris Balloons on South

North Korea Abandons Unification Goal With South

North Korea has dropped more than 150 balloons carrying debris and propaganda leaflets in South Korea, prompting Seoul to warn its residents to stay indoors.

On Wednesday, South Korea’s military warned the public to stay clear of the balloons and the plastic bags attached to them because they contain filthy waste and trash. The balloons littered virtually all the provinces in South Korea and are now being analysed by relevant authorities.

Both countries have deployed balloons in their propaganda campaigns since the Korean War in the 1950s.

The recent incident follows threats by North Korea that it would retaliate against the “frequent scattering of leaflets and other rubbish” in border areas by South Korean activists.

“Mounds of wastepaper and filth will soon be scattered over the border areas and the interior of the ROK and it will directly experience how much effort is required to remove them,” North Korea’s Vice-Minister of defence, Kim Kang had said in a statement to state media on Sunday.

Republic of Korea or ROK is the official name of South Korea while the North is called DPRK or the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

Late on Tuesday, residents living north of Seoul and around the border were warned by authorities to refrain from outdoor activities. They were also advised to report any sighting of any unidentified object(s) to the nearest military base or police station.

Photographs shared on social media show bags attached via string to white translucent balloons carrying toilet paper, dark soil, and batteries, among other contents.

Local media reports say “Some of the fallen balloons carried what appears to be faeces judging from its dark colour and odour”.

Condemning the act, South Korea’s military said “It seriously threatens the safety of our people. North Korea is entirely liable for what happens due to the balloons and we sternly warn North Korea to immediately stop this inhumane and crass action,”

Earlier in May, a South Korea-based activist group claimed it had sent 20 balloons carrying anti-Pyongyang leaflets and USB sticks containing Korean pop music and music videos across the border.

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