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Obaseki Appoints New Deputy Governor After Shaibu’s Sack


Governor Godwin Obaseki has appointed Omobayo Marvellous Godwins, a 38-year-old Engineer, as the new deputy governor of Edo State.

His appointment follows the removal of Comrade Philip Shaibu as Edo Deputy Governor by the state House of Assembly on Monday.

According to a profile released by the Edo government, the new deputy governor hails from Akoko Edo Local Government Area and was born on July 19, 1986.

Omobayo Marvellous Godwins

He holds a B.Eng Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and an MSc in Public Administration from the University of Benin (UNIBEN). He is a registered member of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE), as well as the Council for the Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN).

The profile further described Omobayo as a seasoned Engineer with extensive experience in the oil and gas sector, particularly in the Niger Delta region.

He currently serves as a Senior Maintenance Engineer in Dresser Wayne West Africa Limited. Additionally, he has been actively involved in local politics, fostering trust with the people and rallying them for common goals, despite facing opposition, the profile added.

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