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Okuama Attack: How Everything Turned Sour

An Elder of Okuama narrated how the incident of March 14 happened. He said “On the 14th of March, we were just in the community carrying out our normal activities, the women went to farm suddenly two-speed boat of military men arrived. Some Soldiers were on Military camouflage while some were on mufti”.

“We welcomed them and entertained them into the town hall according to our tradition. We entertained them with kolanut. After that, they requested the Chairman of the community and we sent someone to the farm to call the chairman and some excos.”

“The Military men said they wanted to go to Bomadi with the Chairman and Excos for questioning. We inquired what happened and told them to ask the question here but they declined. They said they have to go to Bomadi with our leaders. The community women said No, you can’t carry these people away.”

“Suddenly we saw three other speedboats from the Bomadi side with similar Military uniforms and mufti, they didn’t get to the shore before they started shooting. They started shooting at the soldiers and the women at the shore.”

That is where they killed most of the community people and the military people.

“After the shooting, the following day, the military personnel came to finish the community…All we know is that the attack was not from the community,” He added.

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