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Olu Akanmu Steps Down as Opay Nigeria Boss After Two Years

Olu Akanmu Steps Down as President of Opay (News Central TV)

The co-CEO and president of the Nigerian financial technology business Opay, Olu Akanmu, has announced the end of his chapter there and the beginning of other endeavours.

He became the President of OPay-Nigeria in November 2021. Opay grew significantly during his reign despite Nigeria’s cash shortage as a result of its successful distribution plans and solid infrastructure. The business announced an incredible milestone of 30 million registered users as of April this year.

Akanmu, however, has made the decision to leave his position at Opay in order to pursue new chances and challenges.

In a series of tweets, he said, “MOVING ON: End of a Chapter. Moving on to New Ones: My Gratitude to all my colleagues at #Opay for the good work we did together in deepening #financialinclusion in #Nigeria, ensuring that fewer and less number of our people are left behind in partaking out of the opportunities of the #digital financial system.”

“Many thanks also to all our #ecosystem partners and enablers who complimented us, without which we would not have been able to deliver on the lofty mission of OPay which is to “deepen financial inclusion through technology.”

‘Yet there is still so much to be done collectively by us as all to ensure that no one is left behind by the modern digital financial system. The lesson of the cashless or limited Cash period earlier in the year is that millions are not yet included despite the progress we have made collectively as an #ecosystem.”

“For the Nigeria #Fintech community, the imperative of ensuring that we serve not only the banked and underserved, but also the completely excluded which still represents at least 45% of our people should be our collective and greater patriotic mission, complementing the historic efforts of traditional players.”

“Collaborations, public-private partnerships, and more deliberate coordination at the digital public infrastructure (#dpi) ecosystem layers, would be critical to ensure we succeed in doing the next heavy lifting to extend the digital financial rail to the next 20 million.”

“The good work of a more inclusive #society where everyone can fulfil their God-given potential and prosperity becomes more widely shared continues,” he said.

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