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Opinion Polls Say Sunak and Tories on Track for Record Loss

Several opinion polls on Wednesday predicted a record defeat for British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his Conservative Party in the upcoming July 4 election.

The polls are projecting a huge win for the Labour Party to return to power after many years in opposition.

According to Reuters, Polling by YouGov projected that the Labour Party was on track to win 425 parliamentary seats out of Britain’s 650-strong House of Commons, to earn a historic majority. Savanta is predicting 516 seats for Labour and More in Common gave it 406.

YouGov had the Conservatives on 108 and the Liberal Democrats on 67, while Savanta predicted the Conservatives would take 53 parliamentary seats and the Liberal Democrats 50. More in Common forecast 155 and 49 seats respectively.

Pollsters used the same model to successfully predict the 2017 British election results and they believe the Conservatives’ defeat could be even worse than expected.

Sunak’s pledge to cut 17 billion pounds of taxes for working people if re-elected, has done little to turn the polls around so far in a campaign strewn with errors. The Savanta poll is even projecting that Sunak could even lose his parliamentary seat in northern England, with the contest currently too close to call.

Sunak has acknowledged that people are frustrated with him and his party after more than a decade in power, dominated at times by political turmoil and scandal.

Other polls in recent days have also presented a grim picture for Sunak, with one pollster predicting electoral obliteration for the Conservatives.

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