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Cyclone Hidaya: Over 100 Rescued at Sea in Tanzania

Cyclone Hidaya (News Central TV)

At least three persons died and more than 100 others were rescued, following a landfall made by weakened Cyclone Hidaya in Tanzania at the weekend.

Although the cyclone reduced in intensity as it approached Tanzania’s coastline, it still caused storms and strong winds to the country’s southern regions.

Among the rescued persons were 20 sailors from Tanzania and Zanzibar. Their boats coasted into Kenyan territorial waters, leading to the death of one sailor. The other 80 people rescued were on Tanzania’s Kilwa Island.

The cyclone caused a major power outage in Tanzania on Saturday. Dar es Salaam, and Zanzibar authorities suspended for ferry services for safety reasons.

Pictures on social media showed several buildings damaged by winds and fallen trees. Neighbouring Kenya is on high alert following the devastation.

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