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Over 200 Babies Born in One Month at Benue IDP Camp

Findings in Benue State have revealed that over 200 babies were born in a single month to displaced mothers in an Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp.

The Integrated Supportive Supervision (ISS), conducted by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) Humanitarian Health Response IDP Outreach, disclosed this figure.

The ISS was carried out by the Benue State Primary Healthcare Board at the Ortese and Ichwa IDPs camps located in Guma and Makurdi local government areas.

Grace Wende, the Executive Secretary of the Benue State Primary Health Care Board, addressed the camp’s developments during her visit. She noted the increase in new births at the camp, and called for governmental intervention.

Ukpam IDP camp in Benue state

“I witnessed a remarkable scene. Visiting these camps is part of our regular coordination duties and integral to our primary healthcare role.

“As one of the primary partners, we play a leading role in supporting the IDP camps by providing healthcare personnel who deliver services to these communities.

“Today, I observed numerous pregnant women and young children, indicating a significantly high fertility and birth rate within these camps. On this single day alone, we recorded 200 new births.

“This is a considerable figure, and it calls for immediate government action,” she stated.

In separate news,the Nigerian Navy Provost and Regulating School (NNPRS) in Makurdi launched a two-day free medical outreach a few days ago in Makurdi, the State capital.

Over 3,000 inhabitants of Ichuwa IDP camp in the North Bank area of the LGA, members of the host community, and the less privileged benefitted from the intervention, according to the NNPRS.

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