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Palestine Set for Recognition by More EU States

Palestine Set for Recognition by More EU States

The recognition of Palestine is no longer forbidden for European governments, according to the EU’s special representative for the Middle East peace process. Sven Koopmans told Haaretz that several EU member states are very likely to follow the recent recognition moves by Spain, Norway, and Ireland.

Koopmans, who has been in his role since 2021, said the coordinated recognition of a Palestinian state by these three nations last week has prompted other EU member states to consider similar actions closely, and they are likely to take the same step soon.

Emphasising that such decisions are made independently by member states, Koopmans noted that Europe was very alarmed by certain statements and actions from the current Israeli government, particularly those against the two-state solution and in favour of dismantling the Palestinian Authority. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has categorically rejected the idea of an independent State of Palestine.

The diplomat warned that Israel’s ongoing military operation in Rafah violates the International Court of Justice’s order to limit fighting in Gaza’s southernmost city. Koopmans plans to inform Israeli officials next week that their war in Gaza, which has resulted in the deaths of over 35,000 Palestinians, mainly women and children, and caused a humanitarian crisis, is turning global public opinion against the occupation state. He stressed that, as the occupying power, Israel is responsible for ensuring the local population receives enough aid to avoid starvation.

The EU’s stance since the war began has been unequivocal, Koopmans said: “All Israeli hostages must be released, unconditionally.” He described their continued captivity as beyond belief and called for an agreement including a ceasefire and the return of all hostages to end the conflict.

During recent discussions with Arab foreign ministers, European countries were urged to officially recognise a Palestinian state. Koopmans noted that Israel faces an opportunity for closer relations with these Arab countries but must accept a framework for peace with the Palestinians to achieve this.

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