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Poll Finds Majority of US Democrats Believe Israel Committing Genocide in Gaza

Poll Finds Majority of US Democrats Believe Israel Committing Genocide in Gaza

A recent poll conducted by Zeteo and Data for Progress revealed that a majority of Democrat voters in the US believe that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Despite denials from President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken, 56 percent of Democrat respondents hold this view.

The nationwide poll, which interviewed 1,265 voters between April 26 and 29, also found that four out of ten Americans believe Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. This places millions of American voters, including a majority of Democrats, at odds with most members of the US Congress who have fully backed Israel’s military actions in the besieged enclave. Since October 7, nearly 35,000 Palestinians, primarily women and children, have been killed in what many consider to be a clear genocide.

The survey also highlighted a significant disparity between US voters and their representatives regarding a ceasefire. While 70 percent of voters support a permanent ceasefire and the de-escalation of violence in Gaza, only 11 percent of lawmakers support this stance. This gap is likely to raise further questions about the influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on US democracy, with many calling for the anti-Palestinian group to be registered as a foreign agent.

Regarding US military aid to Israel, the poll found that a plurality of voters (37 percent) believe it should be decreased, while only 18 percent support increasing funding. Additionally, 46 percent of voters oppose Congress’ recent decision to provide a further $4 billion to replenish Israel’s missile defence systems.

The survey also revealed that a majority of voters (54 percent) support suspending all US arms sales to Israel as long as it blocks American humanitarian aid from entering Gaza.

When it comes to anti-war protests on US college campuses, 46 percent of voters disapprove of colleges limiting students’ right to protest against Israel’s actions in Gaza, with a majority of Democrats and under-45s supporting free speech on this issue.

Lastly, the poll found that a majority of voters prefer little to no US military involvement if fighting escalates between Israel and Iran. Surprisingly, voters narrowly trust Donald Trump over Joe Biden to handle US involvement in the Israel-Palestine issue.

These findings indicate a significant level of criticism among Democratic voters and a portion of the overall electorate towards Israel’s actions and US support for the country. It suggests that the Biden administration may need to reconsider its approach to Israel’s military operations in Gaza.

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