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President Touadéra and Macron Reunite in France to Rekindle Relations

President Touadéra and Macron Reunite in France to Rekindle Relations (News Central TV)

In a bid to rejuvenate bilateral relations after years of tension stemming from the emergence of the Russian Wagner militia in the Central African Republic (CAR), President Touadéra Faustin-Archange of the CAR was welcomed by French President Emmanuel Macron on Wednesday.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Élysée emphasized the significance of this meeting in the context of re-establishing constructive dialogue and fostering positive momentum in bilateral ties. ““It will be an opportunity to discuss the situation in the Central African Republic as well as regional issues,” the French presidency noted.

President Touadéra expressed his steadfast commitment to strengthening ties with France while simultaneously acknowledging the ongoing partnership with Russia. This partnership, marred by the contentious presence of the Wagner militia within the CAR, remains a pivotal aspect of his administration’s foreign policy.

President Touadéra and Macron during their previous meeting in September 2019. © Aurélien Morissard

Critics have affixed the moniker “President Wagner” to him, in reference to the private Russian company whose contingent of mercenaries was deployed to the Central African Republic in 2018, pursuant to a defense agreement inked with Russia.

In late 2020, facing a rebel onslaught on Bangui, President Touadéra sought Moscow’s assistance. Consequently, a substantial number of Russian mercenaries arrived promptly, aiding in the expulsion of armed groups from most of the territories they had held.

The expanding involvement of the Wagner group in the Central African Republic prompted France to withdraw its final troops from the country by the end of 2022. This decision transpired amid severely strained relations between Paris and Bangui.

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